Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Alright, enough whining on my end about life. Transcendental music is far more essential to ones freedom and what is even more important is the desire I have for every single soul out there to be able to experience the blissful feeling of listening & watching a live band put all of their heart and soul into a set and create something inspiring and soul-freeing for both the audience and themselves. It is truly a magical experience to be a part of. I'd like for all of you to open your eyes, your mind, and especially your ears to some beautiful music. The kind that gives you goose bumps and puts you in a place of complete happiness and bliss. Puts you right there in that moment in time and vibrates love all throughout your body. Love for yourself, love for your life, and the greatest love for the music that is bursting out from within. Music is everything & personally for me it's a way of life. I could not live without music. It soothes your soul, it reaches deep down there and sets you free.

Over the weekend I had the upmost pleasure in meeting & getting to know a little bit about a band that goes by the name ZuhG, a "funky, reggae, jazz, jam band."

 They were playing Saturday night at a bar downtown called Frog & Peach. My friends and I decided to go out and we decided to go there because they always have a live band playing that you can dance with and forget where you are with a drink in hand, sometimes not if you are really gettin' down. I was super stoked this time around because my best friend and I were finally able to go out together. I wasn't really expecting anything, just knew it would be a good night for us. To our delight there was an eccentric, funky beatin', fun lovin' band jamming on stage when we walked in. I instantly felt their energy as I walked in from the back. My friends & I grabbed a couple drinks, whiskey of course, and sat down for a little bit and swayed  to the band. It didn't take very long until we made our way to the front of the stage; swaying our hips, eyes closed, with our hands reaching to the ceiling and to the band. Dancing with the people you love the most to amazing live music is where I like to be, nothing else compares. We danced all through the set as if no one was watching, it was just Katie and I, shakin' our heads, shakin' ass, skankin', smilin' and having an unforgettable experience together all thanks to ZuhG. I couldn't shake the smile off my face, I was truly elated to have been in the presence of an inspiring group of individuals that are able to create that feeling within someone through their art. I wish more people would realize the true beauty and sound of original and authentic music extracted from the very souls of each musician. Each sharing something of their own self and coming together as one for the love of the music.

Go check out a local band or a band visiting your local bar, stop worrying about what other people are thinking of you and just let the music come over you and feed your soul. You will not regret it, I promise you this.

Anyways, thanks ZuhG for an amazing weekend. Happy trails to you on the road & I hope to see all of you again someday as you are all a rad group of individuals that I'd love to spend some more time with.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Music Muse

Patti Smith- "Privilege (Set Me Free)

Love, of course.

It wasn't that I forgot to live, I had forgotten to love.

As described to my close friends & Dad, "aimlessly wandering through my days" not amused or passionate about anything around me. I also described it as becoming "bored" to some of my colleagues  so that they didn't think I was completely nutso for thinking my life is boring and I have no purpose. It all seems so childlike writing about it now. But boy, when I was making myself believe that my life was that horrible, it was real. Very real. So, if I can make myself feel that badly, I sure as hell can make myself feel the polar opposite; entirely blissful. I, Breanna Rosas, forgot to love. I forgot to love everything. I forgot to love myself. I forgot to love my best friends, I forgot to love my parents, I forgot to love my life ! How is this even possible, I'm astonished that I have allowed myself to fall this deeply into a black hating abyss. I blame it on me being 21 and thinking I'm this badass rockstar but in reality I like succeeding and accomplishing things. I also like acting like a rockstar but I'm sure I can manage to combine the two and turn it into something entirely, life changeingly beautiful ! I like creating my own life right before my eyes. No, I fucking love it.

One more thing, (to all of us !) Don't be afraid to love either. Love everything and to hell with someone who's got something to say about it. They can hate their lives, at least you'll love yours & be eternally happy.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Cheers to Here !

Here it is. Here's me. Here I am cultivating everything that I love, here is me finally done sorting through the mess manifested in my mind. Here I am taking the fervent leap towards a wondrous life of love.

Join me.