A lump in my throat. I did not dare to cry or make an effort to be seen because that would make people not love me even more than before due to my uncomfortable feelings. I hid my hurt, I hid my will to be and sucked it back up inside of me where it lay to fester and churn to only be brought up time and time again. A brick lay heavy on my chest, a rope tight around my neck and a burden heavy on my back. When will the day come to pass where these are lifted up and off, never to be felt again? I am ready for that day. My eyes, they are tired. A tired that I can no longer hide. A feeling that I no longer want to carry. I look in the mirror sometimes and always see midnight blue half moons under my eyes and all I can think of is, "I need more sleep, I need to get more sleep." So, then I "try" and my efforts are thwarted with resistance from my mind. All I want to do have in my life right now is consistent, restorative sleep. A night uninterrupted by terrifying dreams that wake me mid-rest. A full 8 hours, no breaks in between. Please !?!!?! What's it going to take for me to let go and live. To breathe in and out with ease and strength. To speak up and allow myself to be everything yet nothing. It is all that I need, truly.
Sunday, October 4, 2020
Friday, September 25, 2020
And I want all the flavors.
How is something so bad for you, so damn good ?
And I am mostly dairy-free, gluten-free, caffeine-free
Except for some times
which is most of the times, it seems
I will spend all my money on Starbuck's and fast food drive-thrus this week- what a shame, smh
I wish that there were only choices available that were healthy for us
This free will ordeal is too complicated
I am often weak in spirit and need something, anything to spike my state of being up and up.
Through greasy fries, tangy ranch and the unique taste of coffee that sends me to a time where I felt most alive
But this time around, I will make sure it's decaf- I don't want to stress my adrenals
With oatmilk please, dairy produces mucus
but just a little ranch with my curly fries and cheese in my taco will be O.K.
I can't believe I used to eat $.99 Breakfast Jack's with my boyfriend at 19, consistently
And all those times, I meandered through the drive thru at 2 in the morning after being out and about, never finding what I wanted
but those curly fries with the ranch and those tacos with the sauce and questionable meat filling
they gave me what I wanted, for only the duration of time that I spent with them
Will they haunt me in the coming hours with a bad mood and an overburdened liver ?
Perhaps, but at least I'm not binge drinking, eating mass amounts of taco bell and staying up til 5 AM anymore
So, I suppose I am doing alright and maybe when I am 40. I'll have this free will thing down and will only make choices that are good for me.
Thursday, September 3, 2020
And all along she knew of all these things
Never had she spoken them to me
To keep me safe from the war going on all around me
That is love, the love that I never felt nor seen but now I know so deeply as I am beginning to know the things that she too came to know and see in this world of wars mixed with peace
A Mother within a Mother, cycling through and through
Never perfect but always true
And there are many instances where I feel overwhelmed and buried underneath all the mess of this life. I gleen for simple tasks, simple virtues, and simple adventures that require little effort yet yield a magnitude of joy and gratitude for life and living. My anxiety sometimes likes to blow things up, way up ! It blows up into a big production with everything and everyone needing a certain place and a certain way to act, myself included. I search for the best costume, think of the best lines and go out in search for the best props that will win the award for Best Motion Picture. And a script for each scene and how it will play out and what it will get me. Before you know it, I have a set that is filled with odds and ends, clothes that don't fit quite right, a chest full of written lines that I keep going back to and reading for some sort of sign. A way out perhaps is what I am looking for but instead through all this anxious planning I create a deeper hole in the messiness of it all. What I'd prefer, or at least desperately need while sifting through embittered ends is space and minimal distraction. A place to create freely, a place to love willingly and openly. A place where my interests are minute and tactful where the container is open and you can see light shining in, through and out of it. I don't want to examine the container any longer, nor do I want to change it's color or placement. Perhaps it will move on it's own in some time and change in it's own way without my meddling. I no longer want to tip it upside down and see what comes out, nor do I want to throw it against a wall and obliterate it completely. No, I want to cherish it with all of my heart, soul and mind. I want to take great care of it and treat it with integrity, sincerity and tenderness. For the container is what gives me life and I must not take it for granted or think that I could create anymore of it then I've already been given.
Symphony of Simplicity
Swimming in the Ocean
Creating and Playing Music
Hallelujah !
Amen !
Our God is Mighty, He is Great
For His Creation is One and One is All
Tuesday, September 1, 2020
The peace that is brought forthright is a saving grace beyond all measure. Unexpected yet needed and wanted in all those times of not knowing where it had been hiding. A moment of forgetfulness yet at the same time remembrance of what once was, has been and will always be just lying under the surface waiting patiently to be enveloped in. A lifting of the heaviness of our minds and rationalizing, of figuring out and categorizing. I remember being a kid and taking a bath in a brownish bathtub with Pocahontas in the water with me. I admired her body markings, her long black hair, and dark skin in my little 5 year old mind. We moved into another house and I remember taking baths in a pink bathtub with the paint chipping all around above me. I would turn the shapes into things that resembled something I know just as we do with clouds in the sky. I remember washing my hair and then swishing it around in the water to rinse while discovering how it felt. Silky smooth and weightless. The other night, Winslow got to feel that exact same feeling. Finally, she has begun to trust and allow herself to try something new. We moved from rinsing her hair with a cup to now having her lie down in the bath while I hold her head and run my fingers through her hair to rinse. I told her, "Your hair is silky smooth like pink ribbons" Her face lit up as she felt her hair swish all around her. She asks for me to take a picture and I do. She asks to see and says, "Wow, my hair is like silk ! My face is cute." In those moments, time did not matter. We were in time and we were living. I wasn't thinking about living, I wasn't wondering about living, I wasn't tired of living or desperate to live, we were just alive. Later, she gets dressed and starts to brush her own hair and says to me, "Mommy, my hair is as soft as a feather. Here, brush it and see." my heart then bursts with gratitude, of awe and reverence as I brush straight through her hair. Because, for so many nights before this, taking baths and brushing hair has always turned into pain and fear somehow. Whether it be from her fear of soap getting her eyes or the tangles in her hair to cry out in pain. This, that night, those moments, were sacred. And to think that all we needed was to start using bigger blobs of conditioner ! A game changer, life-saver spark of inspiration was all I needed and i will continue to have a mind opened wide enough to hear and partake with.
The glow of a full Moon on the glass jar atop the patio brick wall
All of us wearing masks, personalized, free or given to
A deep hurt inside witnessing your young sister lie in her bed day after day watching T.V.
The deepening of a friendship where we begin opening drawers, using the microwave and feeding each other inside both of our own homes.
The deepening of a relationship that uncovers new layers and colors with each union and shared thought
Being outside at just the right time to say Hi to your upstairs neighbor Toni whose voice is unlike any other
Monday, August 3, 2020
Friday, July 31, 2020
Thursday, July 30, 2020
I am grateful for Him
Thursday, February 6, 2020
You are the prize and there is no fun without a little game and chase
He said, there is a difference between agreeing and choosing when finding yourself a mate
& maybe it was just the mushrooms that let you love me like you did
Just maybe it was the gin that made us feel as if there was no separation
No me & you; just us. No me vs. you; just us.
Come down from the World you've created in your head
There is no life in what is already dead
& there is no reality in fantasies
See me for where I am and not just what you need
Temporary relief has always been too shallow for me
Life could never be casual; we've all been in the depths- & just how deep are you willing to dive?
& maybe it was just the mushrooms that let you love me like you did
Just maybe it was the gin that made us feel as if there was no end
You could write a tune but it don't matter none if there is still evil in your heart
with a serpent's tongue, hissing with each breath
So, how about for once we live in our good nature
hold each other close for the better
because if you're bitter,
you haven't forgiven and all that does is breed hatred
& it don't matter a penny to be in two different places
We've both got hearts that beat
We've both got ears to hear
and mouths to speak
So, maybe it was just the mushrooms that let you love me like you did
Just maybe it was the gin that made us feel as if there was no separation
No me & you; just us. No me vs. you; just us.
I will protect myself to the 'T'
When he asks what my name is; he will hardly hear me mutter the words, "Bree" as I swindle in my chair the other way.
Because how many times can a heart break before it shatters into nothing?
He'll ask me where I am from and I will glance to him, still muttering, "Around"
He won't even get to see my teeth or the lines in my face from smiles in the past that I've given so freely
I surely won't tell him I can literally feel the rate at which is heart is pulsing with his nervousness emanating
No, I'll sit and keep my place because flirting is a dangerous place
Where one has feelings; which is apparently a disgrace these days
He'll ask me what I do and I'll tell him, "This" as I look forward and listen to the music in front of me
I will protect myself to the 'T'
I will give none of me
Because how many times can a heart break before it shatters into nothing?
I will keep my mouth shut and our eyes may never even meet
Because if it were the rather; I'd instantly be attracted to you like a magnet
With weeks in,
I'd whole-heartedly, perhaps even vainly believe you had genuinely liked me as my person
& not just liked the attention you had received
Although, I could give you all the reasons why it was me who ruined everything
It recently has occurred to me that it isn't the baby's fault if the mama can't love her unconditionally
He'll ask me if he can have my number and I will calmly decline, explaining, "No, my phone is already full of men who have unknowingly broke this heart before."
I'll stand, glance his way politely and walk out the back door
Because how many times can a heart break before it shatters into nothing?