Tuesday, February 11, 2014

I thought of you tonight when I looked up at the crescent moon. I smiled to myself because I knew you had looked at it with the same eyes as I do and wasn't alone.

Ya know I've been thinking lately how in this life there is far too much cookie-cutter bullshit getting tossed everywhere only to become stale and eventually trash. The same damn fear keeping people safe in there tiny cookie-cutter mold. I'm starting to wonder if people even feel anything anymore or if they have surely surrendered, keeping themselves pinned to the cyclical wheel of self-disgrace. All too familiar, right? Ego's taking over and turning us all into zombego's...lol.

  I already knew that you too carried with you a quiet appreciation and love for the peace that music brings and how it soothes the soul, along with the sun that graces us in the morning and bids us farewell at night, creating an endless array of watercolor skies, and the vast velvet blanket of burning speckles filling up your eyes with a simple mystical delight, waking up to see last night's moon silently fading into the early morning light, and an anticipation of the ocean fog rolling in on a Sunday afternoon...all things simple and beautiful in this life. I've truly never met anyone of the like, have you ?

Sharing a moment of love with another soul is the most real thing in this life that is so often dismissed due to some stupid taboo. I'm talking about a different love too, not the mushy romantic, I need you so desperately or I'll just die love.

We caught eyes and I felt this burst of warm energy surge through my whole body and my mind went to mush, since then it has slowly been put back together in a carefully thought out way. I believe that when it is right, we will live to see another day.

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