A man's company is one that I enjoy. His strength, his gentle and sweet disposition. A confident man that is confident in his counterparts. The one that sees far beyond his mirror. Does such man exist? Or am I simply, once again, unduly dreaming. Is it so wrong for me to love the strong embrace that a man can give? Is it so wrong for me to want someone who is willing to protect me and stand by me when the seas are troubling and choppy? I will not allow a man per say to define me, but I will allow him to refine me into the greater being that I am. I will allow him to comfort me in his embrace and allow my self-righteousness to fall at my knees. I will allow myself to reach greater heights with my hand in his as we walk together into the sunrise of each day. I am not ashamed of this. To be interdependant with another is the greatest source of inspiration and freedom to achieve. I will meet that man and we will be free, together yet separately.
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