Thursday, February 6, 2020

The next time a man comes up to me while I am enjoying my own space,
I will protect myself to the 'T'
When he asks what my name is; he will hardly hear me mutter the words, "Bree" as I swindle in my chair the other way.
Because how many times can a heart break before it shatters into nothing?
He'll ask me where I am from and I will glance to him, still muttering, "Around"
He won't even get to see my teeth or the lines in my face from smiles in the past that I've given so freely
I surely won't tell him I can literally feel the rate at which is heart is pulsing with his nervousness emanating
No, I'll sit and keep my place because flirting is a dangerous place
Where one has feelings; which is apparently a disgrace these days
He'll ask me what I do and I'll tell him, "This" as I look forward and listen to the music in front of me
I will protect myself to the 'T'
I will give none of me
Because how many times can a heart break before it shatters into nothing?
I will keep my mouth shut and our eyes may never even meet

Because if it were the rather; I'd instantly be attracted to you like a magnet
With weeks in,
I'd whole-heartedly, perhaps even vainly believe you had genuinely liked me as my person
& not just liked the attention you had received
Although, I could give you all the reasons why it was me who ruined everything
It recently has occurred to me that it isn't the baby's fault if the mama can't love her unconditionally

He'll ask me if he can have my number and I will calmly decline, explaining, "No, my phone is already full of men who have unknowingly broke this heart before."
I'll stand, glance his way politely and walk out the back door
Because how many times can a heart break before it shatters into nothing?

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